25 March 2007

PZ's commenters

While I'd otherwise be on your side,
I think that it's needlessly snide
When you mention "Sky Fairy";
It makes me quite wary
So I give you a berth a mile wide.

*Bonus points if you can improve the last line*

22 March 2007

More styles

Calum suggested an acrostic.
I've never been keen.
Look how easy it is
Don't worry about rhythm or rhyme.
If the first word fits, that's enough
So simple a primary-school pupil can do it,
Hence this post.


Limericks must rhyme.
Write a haiku: it's easy,
if the point is brief.

07 March 2007

To act now would be premature!

Just as Rome wasn't built in a day,
Climate change shows a markèd delay.
But stick head into sand,
As some critics demand
And there'll certainly be hell to pay.

06 March 2007

In my defence...

I didn't write this.

There once was a Nice Guy from Nantucket

This "epic" came about in response to the other limericks in a certain webforum thread. I make no claims as to its quality, but hope it at least made the other posters think. If you don't get what it's about, try searching for Nice Guys (TM).

Well I read, and was worried to spy
The woes of the famous nice guy.
You should know, by the way
There are many who say
"Nice Guys" are not nice, and here's why:

If you listen to a feminist
They'll tell you that women get pissed,
When someone's "Nice Guy" claims
Secretly have the aims
Of hiding misogynist twist.

If you do a web search then you'll see
These are not the right people to be.
For these claims of depression
Oft mask passive-aggression
And an ego that screams "me! me! me!"

Yes it's true that in school, for a while
that the jerks may be top of the pile
but to lose being nice
is too heavy a price
to join cliques that are soon out of style

We all must have pretty good mates
who manage to get on some dates
For in fact being nice
need not rid you of spice,
but resentment's what everyone hates.

If you're nice and are honest of heart
then your love life will hopefully start.
Whether early or late,
it's a far better state
than to live stereotypes of this art.

At Claire's urging...

It looks like I'll be posting here.

Thanks to a limerick in this thread, I've been asked to show off my dubious poetical talent.

Here's my entry for a pro-life poetry competition

A baby begins as a zygote,
and that’s why it really gets my goat,
when these “women” aren’t wives
and “take charge” of their lives
and also, we now let them vote!

Just cos it’s your body don’t mean that
we crusaders cannot be shocked at
your right to control
when girls should be tole’
that foetus trumps all, and that’s that.